A Closer Look At Man Made Anxiety Cures

We’ve talked about a lot of the natural anxiety cures available to us, such as exercise, essential oils, crystal healing, changing diet and meditation. Yet what we haven’t discussed is why these kinds of anxiety cures are so much better than man-made, prescription drugs.
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The first reason is that we know exactly where we stand with natural cures. A lot of the time these involve common sense; eating healthily, exercising regularly, taking steps to ensure our minds are calm etc., but also there are no chemicals in natural anxiety cures. Many of us might not know exactly what the physiological effects of essentials oils are, but we also know that they come from flowers, roots, leaves and fruits, which can’t harm us if they’re simply inhaled or rubbed onto the skin.
Prescription drugs, on the other hand, are often made up of many different synthetic ingredients. Things that we can’t find growing in the wild. I don’t know about you but that makes me uncomfortable.
Not all prescription drugs are bad for you, of course. Some take natural properties and simply intensify them; taking what natural anxiety cures do and making them far more effective. There are others, on the other hand, that can cause some unpleasant and unwanted side effects. The main one of these is addiction (both mental and physical). Anxiety is certainly something that we can work through and overcome – indeed sometimes it’s a by-product of a nasty (temporary) situation. So when anxiety fades, we certainly don’t want to still be taking anti-anxiety medications. Yet coming off these drugs is easier said than done and in a lot of cases withdrawal is enough to bring the ill effects of anxiety back. Some man-made anxiety cures also have long-term physical effects such as a weak bladder.
You will often find that doctors are reluctant to prescribe anti-depressants, yet in their profession it’s almost a faux-pas to recommend natural anxiety cures as well. As a result doctors often meet in the middle ground, with counseling, hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioural therapy. As an anxiety sufferer who has avoided prescription medications and tried my fair share of natural anxiety cures (not all of which worked for me) I can’t recommend going to therapy enough. It might not work for everyone but it certainly did for me. The effects weren’t immediate but I learnt things about myself that would have stayed tucked away for years, causing problems if I hadn’t been.
So if you find that natural anxiety cures such as meditation, massages, acupuncture and yoga aren’t working for you; try hypnotherapy, CBT, EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) or counseling, and good luck!