Beginners Guide To Making Money Online Niche Selection

Ok guys, today I am going to talk about niche selection and how you can come up with ideas of what to look for. This post will not be to long since its not that hard to do but for some reason a ton of people get stuck here. So I am going to go over a few different ways I come up with niches to promote.
I’d probably say this is the best review for the beginners. A good start is available to the beginners with the reading of the reviews about the marketing. The choosing of the right way is possible when you are sitting at home. The process is simple and easy to deliver the best results to the online marketers.
Well first I guess I should go over what I mean by a niche or micro niche for the new guys who are just getting started. A niche is what you most likely thought it was already, and that being just a general subject or product. A niche can be camping, fishing, kitchenware to something as simple as cell phone batteries. The fact that most major corporations do not target micro niches within a certain niche allows us to rank for and profit for many micro niches and keywords.
So to find and select a niche really depends on what you have an interest in and what you think is or can be profitable online. You want to think like a consumer in a sense that would you buy this product online, or would you search for this product or information online? If its something that you can easily get while your at the store like a Wal-Mart, then you will probably get less response with your ads. Now this also depends on what it is because the fact that some things you can find a lot cheaper online and without sales tax. So really you just have to look at it and say to yourself if you would ever get online to purchase it or research it etc. Also with the internet becoming more popular with all age groups more and more people are just ordering online because its easy and convenient.
One of the best ways to come up with ideas on what you could possibly promote or target as a niche is when you are shopping. Every time you go out to purchase something either at a hardware store or supermarket always keeping your eye out for something that you think would possibly be an item you would purchase online. Just remember everything you look at is a possible niche that you can target.
Another thing that you can do is just look around your house and just write down what you see. Sitting right here at my desk I could name off the following: Computer desk, Computer Tower, Computer speakers, Mouse, Office chair, Office Furniture, Book Case, Laptop Bag, Filing Cabinet and the list could go on and on. All of these are potential niches you could possibly target.
And lastly another great way to find niches is to search Amazon and Ebay for their top sellers. Amazon Top Sellers will list in each category what is selling the best and this can be a great way to find what’s selling online. This lately has been my main way of telling if a product is worth trying to target or not. Just go through all the different ones and pick out what you think might be good selections.
Ok, so now we have gone over a few ways you can come up with niches to target. I know that you still have no idea how we are going to target these but this is just the first step. As we go along we will go over the steps needed to find out if the niche is worth trying to go after and how to do the keyword research needed. So before going onto the next step I want you to go out and find 15 different niches that you think will be good to promote online. Don’t worry if you are not sure because as this series goes on you will learn how to weed the bad ones out. Eventually you will get the hang of it and just know from experience if it’s a good niche or not worth researching. Once you have your niches selected we will then start the process of find keywords and determining if its something you can compete for and if its profitable or not.