Bodybuilder Diet Effective For Definition And Drying Competition

Body Building Info-When we talk of a bodybuilding diet we are referring mainly to typical diets used for extreme physical states, either by increasing maximum muscle mass with minimal fat gain or maximum fat loss while maintaining all the muscle mass, up to fatty single-digit percentages, such as we see in the bodybuilding Competition.
The body builders can get legal steroids full review found at APnews to choose the best supplement available. The diet is an effective one to have more advantages on the health. The percentage of body building is high for the individuals. There is gaining of fat according to the requirement.
As you can guess we can say that these diets are not at all easy to follow and a strong will is needed to follow them to the letter, if you think you will be able, I recommend you continue reading this article.
Bodybuilder diet and its intricacies
A bodybuilder diet that claims must meet the following, whether it is to gain muscle mass and fat loss:
Protein, always high quality and supplementation such as BCAA and EAA, the daily amount of protein should be about 3 grams per kilogram of clean weight.
Fat is always kept to a minimum, between 50 and 60 grams per day, this is enough to maintain proper secretion of sex hormones and adequate health, fats should come from sources such as egg yolks, olive oil and nuts.
Carbohydrates should be low glycolic index at all times and must be included in all meals, plus foods that will be cooked in water like rice and pasta, washed and will cool once they finish cooking for lower its GI.
You should always include a post-workout shake rich in protein and high quality rapid absorption and high GI carbohydrates.
Only classified as clean, such as white meat and white fish, rice, pasta, potatoes foods include …
Example bodybuilder diet high definition
Here’s an example of bodybuilder diet as it can take to remove as much body fat in the shortest possible time and also keeping all our muscle mass.
Meal 1 Breakfast 375 gr. nonfat yogurt natural. 30g Isolated whey. 30 gr. Oats. 1 jack of multivitamin-mineral. Meal 2 Midmorning 250g skinless chicken. 50 g rye bread. Meal 3 Lunch 150 gr. natural tuna. 40 gr. wheat pasta. Meal 4 Afternoon snack 300g skinless chicken. 300 gr. Sweet potatoes. Meal 5 Dinner 30 gr. Oats. 250 gr. Nonfat yogurt. 30 g of caseinate. Tortilla 2 whites and 1 yolk. Meal 6 Post-workout 30g Isolated whey. Dextrose 30 g. 5g Creatine monohydrate.
As a diet of definition, we can add specific supplementation as diuretics based herbal extracts and a thermogenic, if we choose a thermogenic recommend containing at least the following:
- Caffeine Anhydrous.
- Some alpha or beta agonist antagonist.
- BCAA amino or branched chain or at least a large amount of leucine or a metabolite of it.
- Choline bitartrate.
As a natural diuretic, I recommend horsetail, green or red tea, dandelion … is excellent choices and quite effective, especially green tea because it also acts as a good fat burner.
As you can see the bodybuilder diets are not at all easy to follow but are quite effective for any purpose, today we have given an example primarily a bodybuilding diet that can be followed for a period of definition in which it is sought as Fat Loss possible within a given time period.
To lose fat, I recommend using lactic training routines for the depletion of carbohydrates, enough cardio and which also include heavy lifting, as they are an excellent way to preserve our so precious muscle mass.