Build Muscle A Lot Faster By Training Less Often
It seems like in most areas of life, the more effort or training you put into something, you’ll either get better results or more results. In most areas of life this is true but not in this one particular field.
If you want to become smarter or get good grades you study harder, if you want to be a better basketball player you work on your game. It makes sense right? You would think logically that if you put more time in the gym lifting weights, and working out, you’ll get huge muscles right?
It really seems to be illogical but the resounding answer to this question is a big fat no!
Unfortunately most of the bodybuilding and weightlifting world seems to not understand this principle. I bet right around now you could be saying to yourself…
Build Muscle Faster: Are You Making These 5 Mistakes?
Many people don’t realize that sleep is a critical factor to achieve success with muscle growth. If you really want to develop big muscles, you need to give your body ample time to sleep and repair your muscle tissue while you rest. Your body uses the sleep cycle to rebuild muscle fibers all night long. It’s also essential to get your sleep because your hormones work overtime during the night as well to build up your muscles and repair the damage caused by weight training.
Recovery Time:
Most people overtrain. It’s that simple. In order to really transform your body in the fastest and most natural way possible, you need recovery time. This is not the same as getting sleep. This is the amount of days in between working out one particular body part like your chest for example. Your successful weight gain plan should include 3-4 days in between doing the same routines. In order to get that ripped physique, many people will only workout a certain body part once or twice per week.
Workout Hard:
Your workout sessions need to be short and intense. You could consider hiring a personal trainer if you need to. Personally I like to use the muscle gaining ebooks I have recommended on this site. Either way, you need to reach your goals. Lift heavy, Lift hard, and get out. To be most effective, make your weight training program short and sweet.
When you are lifting heavyweight each day to build muscles, the physical strain might be possible to manage but mental issues are bound to creep in so do lookup Yoga burn review online for yoga sessions where you can attain a blissful mind devoid of stress or depression, which would in turn motivate you to sleep and rise early in the morning where you would work harder than the previous day and achieve the desired goal in a short span of time.
Proper-Diet & Nutrition:
One of the fastest ways to build muscle is to make sure you’re eating enough high quality nutrients/macronutrients in the form of usable calories and absorbable protein. Your diet and food intake should be clean and pure. You don’t need to eat six meals a day to gain muscle that’s for sure but your meals should consist of meats and vegetables. The meat you consume for protein should be organic and grass fed beef.
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You don’t want hormones injected into your beef or you don’t want to eat beef that are fed corn, they need to be grass fed, preferably raw. Raw meat sounds gross but there are ways to prepare it that are safe and you get lots more protein that way also. This will help regulate your metabolism and . Your nutrition is key for anabolic muscle growth. Some people think they need to drink 5 creatine/protein shakes per day along with whey powder isolates. Just make sure to take the right supplements. If you want to know more about which supplements to take visit the link on this page.
Full Body Exercises:
Sometimes people forget to workout their entire body. They focus solely on isolation exercises and not their full body fitness methods. Sometimes these techniques use bodyweight exercises with compound movements in order to achieve healthy weight gain.
“Really I can build muscle faster by spending less time exercising and working out in the gym?”
If you really understand how the body works, and how it repairs muscle tissue, the answer to this question is a huge YES! Wouldn’t it be great to have a toned and attractive set of six pack abs? Think you need to buy expensive workout equipment or spend weeks dieting to look like a model? Think you need to have great genetic genes or spent hours tracking and writing all your routines into a workout log? The answer to these is NO!
Our human body is designed perfectly. All the trillions of cells inside the body are designed to adapt to external stimulation and conditioning exactly as it should in order to maintain a great level of health and homeostasis. Think about it. When your body is tired you get sleepy, when you’re sick you want to rest, when you get cut your skin forms a scab etc. What happens to our body then when we break down muscle fiber and tissues when we are in the gym doing our best to build our muscles? If you answered “you build muscle”, then you’re correct! The body always wants to be in good physical shape and remain healthy and fit.
Your muscles grow in size. Simply, your muscles get larger as you build muscle faster. The key is to make your body feel like its muscle and skeletal system has been threatened or compromised in some way. You human body is so smart what doesn’t do to respond? It responds to this threat by building muscle faster by fast tissue repair.
This is called Hypertrophy. The most ideal way to build muscle faster is to keep your muscles thinking it always needs to be in a state of shock and repair. You do this by muscle confusion and adding weight and/or reps to our workout routines each week. It’s that simple.
Don’t you think that is pretty easy right? It is easy to understand but the one golden nugget you misunderstand is that in order to build muscle faster, you have to give your muscles time to rest. The rest and recovery time is when you’re actually building and growing muscles.
This doesn’t happen in the gym. Make sure to get your sleep as well. Because cosmic energy is condensed at night, this is the time when muscles do most of the repairing and rebuilding.
You will build muscle faster if you push your muscles beyond the regular capacity. Once you have gone past your comfort point you have done your job. Just remember the further you push past your “max” the longer it will take to recover and rebuild the torn muscle tissue.
The fibers need to build back up again. Remember your whole goal here is to build muscle faster. So make sure you rest. I see many people in the gym doing too many sets or too many reps than what is good for them. Doing these things will hinder you from building muscle fast.
It’s counterintuitive that rest and recovery is one of the best ways to quickly build your muscle. Doing high intensity training takes more of a toll on your body than you think. And it actually prevents you from achieving your goals.
Use these three ideas to build muscle faster:
- Do not train each muscle group more than 3 days per week.
- Keep your gym training under sixty minutes each. Brief and intense workouts only.
- Perform 5-7 sets for the bigger muscle groups such as the chest, back, & thighs & 2-4 sets for the smaller muscles such like the shoulders, biceps, triceps, calves, and abs.
One last note: Make sure you take your sets to your absolute concentric muscular failure and add more weight and reps each week. If you’re doing things right you’ll be gaining muscle faster and seeing results. That last thing you want to do at this point is to add more workouts each week. Don’t add more bodybuilding training, add more weight and do less reps. By not doing this, you will only impede your workout gains.
How Do I Put On Muscle Fast?
If you want to put on muscle fast then you’re reading the right article. Putting on muscle in a short amount of time is 100% possible. It’s interesting how women want to get skinny but as men, we want to put some meat on our bones in a short amount of time. This whole site is designed for you to put on muscle fast without using chemicals or steroids. Here are some tips to put on muscle very very quickly:
- Keep your workouts short but very intense
By doing this you can put on muscle fast. In your first month you should be able to put on at least 5 pounds of solid lean muscle mass.
If you want to build muscles quick then I suggest you keep the same short intense workouts but increase your protein intake. Just remember the deeper you tear into your muscle fibers in your body, the longer the recovery time. Also the bigger you get, the more time you need to rest your muscles so that you can rebuild and grow them. To build muscles quick, simply follow the plan laid out above but increase your protein and recovery times.
Are you looking to grow muscle fast? You see, it depends on whether or not people want large muscles or if they want strong muscles. Having big muscle size and having muscle strength are different. It’s important to know the difference. Bodybuilders have huge muscles but are not necessaritly the strongest guys in the weight room. They are the most cut, have rippling defined abs and chest, but they’re not always the strongest.
The strong guys are guys who have functional strength. So if you want to grow muscle fast, I also suggest that you follow the workout plan laid out above with eating lots of protein. All things being equel , growing your muscles fast has more to do with diet than it does with exercise. Here’s the plan I prefer to grow muscle fast.