Fishdom FAQ Guide for Beginners
This is a Fishdom FAQ guide for beginners. In this guide, I will explain how to turn your sound off, rename your tank, toggle to full screen, and more. You can load Fishdom to follow along with me. If you are just starting out with Fishdom, this FAQ guide should help you with some of the simpler things.
How Do I Toggle to Full Screen?
At this time in the game, there is no way to toggle to full screen. If you are one of those users who likes to do everything in full screen, this is not an option right now. Maybe in time though.
How Do I Rename My Tank?
To rename your tank, you can click the paper and pencil icon beside the name banner at the top of your game. When the box opens, type a name for your first tank and click the Yes button. Your tank will then be renamed to what you chose.
How Do I Turn Off Sound and Music?
You can turn the music and the sound off in Fishdom. To do this, you will need to click the Wrench icon in the top, left corner of your game. Then you will see the other icons appear below that. Click the Music icon to turn the music off and the Sound icon to turn the sound off. To turn them on again, click each one of them again.
Fishdom is not everyone’s cup of tea and is difficult to digest for everyone so they won’t be able to relate to it despite music being top notch but still it can be downloaded on ispoofer and listened at leisure.
How Many Fish Can I Have in My Tank?
In the top right, corner of your game, you will see how many fish you can have. Levels 1 and 2 only allow you to have 3 fish. Once you reach level 3, your tank will expand to allow you more fish.
How Do I Clean My Tank?
You can clean your tank by using the sponge at the bottom of your game. Click the sponge and place your mouse in the tank. Then you can hold your mouse button down and run the sponge over the tank to clean it. Once it is clean, you will be rewarded.
What are These Items Laying Around My Tank?
You may notice tiny items laying around on your tank floor. Some of these items when clicked will give you coins. Others are gems that you can collect and post to your wall for your friends to get.
Why is There a Number On My Food Bottle When I Feed My Fish?
When you feed your fish, you will see this number. This number lets you know how many feedings you have left. Once you run out of food, you will need to buy more from the store. When you first install Fishdom, you will be given 50 feedings. After then, you will have topurchase them your own.