Foods That Burn Fat – How To Burn The Fat!!

There are many different foods that can assist the body to burn fat. Most of these foods are naturally occurring and simply contain the correct balance of vitamins and nutrients to promote the production of hormones in the body which burn fat and speed up the metabolism.
Years of jumping from one diet product to another, gaining and losing weight can severely impair your metabolism and cause it to perform sluggishly. Since your metabolism is the key to burning fat, it is important to give it a healthy boost to ensure it burns more fat and excess calories.
Many of the foods which promote fat burning have a high thermo-genic value, which means that the body uses a great deal of energy or calories to simply digest it. This has been clinically proven to help promote weight loss and the maintenance of a healthy body weight.
Types Of Fat Burning Foods
Fat burning foods fall into one of several categories;
The individuals can try here all the fat burners to reduce the weight. The understanding of the fat burning foods is the right one for the people. The charges are under the budget of the people. The weight loss is according to the needs and requirements.
Nuts and Pulses
These are filled with healthy fats and contain magnesium and protein which is needed for building muscle. Many people become confused about good and bad fats but quite simply nuts contain monounsaturated fats which can actually help to lower cholesterol and maintain a healthy heart. They also contain plenty of fiber which ensures that you feel fuller for longer to prevent snacking.
A great example of this is the almond. One handful of almonds can provide almost twenty percent of your recommended daily requirement of magnesium and almost fifty percent of vitamin E. They are an excellent sugar free snack which means that you don’t experience the lethargy after effect of sugary snacks.
Do try to avoid salted nuts as these contain high levels of sodium which can be harmful to your blood pressure.
Dark Green Vegetables
These are an amazing fat burning food group. They actually have a negative calorific effect as they require more energy to digest than they contain. They have also been proven to increase the speed of metabolism and burn additional fat that way.
Spinach is a super green vegetable. A serving of spinach contains almost one hundred percent of the RDA of Vitamin A and contains more vitamin C than an orange. It has been shown to protect against heart disease, stroke and certain forms of cancer.
Broccoli is also an excellent cancer fighting vegetable. It is filled with antioxidants which detoxify the body plus an abundance of vitamins and minerals.
If you are eating out, make sure that the restaurant does not serve the green vegetables with any oily dressing or butter. This will cancel out some of the benefits of their fat burning potential and make them far less healthy.
Fruits and Berries
There are certain fruits and berries which are excellent fat burning foods. These include; Apples, blueberries, citrus fruit goji berries. These are packed with antioxidants, fiber and vitamins which help the body to regulate the absorption of carbohydrates and sugars. They provide a sweet treat which does not cause a spike in blood sugar or insulin which would normally cause the body to switch to storing fat.
Eggs and Low Fat Dairy
Although many diet plans seek to exclude dairy products they do contain calcium, protein and certain vitamins such as b12 which is needed for the body to manage the metabolism and burn fat. Obviously some dairy products can be very high in fats, so these are best substituted for lower fat alternatives.
Fish and Lean Meats
These contain high quantities of protein which can help the body repair cells, build new muscle tissues and reduce cravings. Fish also contains omega 3 oils which are beneficial to the health of the heart and can reduce the leptin levels in the body.
Research has indicated that the higher the level of leptin in the body, the greater propensity for storing fat. White meats such as turkey or chicken are the leanest meats with the highest thermo genic factor. If you want to indulge in red meats try to pick leaner cuts or loins such as New York Strip steaks or pork tenderloin which contain less saturated fat.
Some Unusual Fat Burning Foods Include
There are some other fantastic fat burning foods which don’t conform to a specific food group. These include cinnamon, green tea, hummus and oatmeal, which have been shown to assist the body in burning more fat.
To ensure the maximum potential of fat burning, try to avoid any sugars and processed wheat flours such as bread or pasta. These simple carbohydrates turn into sugar when digested raising the blood sugar level and triggering the production of insulin. Maintaining a stable blood sugar balance is the key to preventing your body from storing excess fat and allowing your metabolism to burn fat especially when exercising.
Be sure to fill up on fresh fruits and vegetables as the additional fiber will make you feel fuller for longer and they will give your body a vitamin and mineral boost. Try to keep these foods low in calorie by avoiding heavy dressings and butter and you will feel great.
Why Is It Good To Eat Like This?
So basically look to eat fresh foods that are not processed at all, lean cuts of red meat, most cuts of white meat and fish, fresh green vegetables, nuts and pulses are all good and there is also plenty of research pointing to the benefits of using spices and herbs with your food.
If you do this you will avoid the unhealthy saturated fats that we associate with snacks and fast foods and at the same time you will be eating food that works to lower your fat levels, pretty much a great situation when you think about it.
If you really want to change your life and lifestyle and start eating healthy and exercising you can do it but it has to be something you WANT to do.