Health And Plastic Surgery – Learn About The Surgery

Also known as suction-assisted lipectomy or lipoplasty, liposuction is the most effective way to have an ideal body shape with a balanced diet and regular life. Unfortunately, most of us don’t have a chance for a balanced diet and active lifestyle to do exercise. This leads to deformation of body mass index and adipose tissues (localized fat deposits). Whereas intra-abdominal adiposity can be easily melted away with exercises, subcutaneous fat can not be removed up to desired amount with this method. Thanks to liposuction, this fat could be removed and the body is reshaped.
Liposuction is a type of surgery which the fat is sucked through a hollow instrument called a cannula. Patients who can’t melt away undesirable deposits of body fat in specific parts of the body despite of balanced diet and doing sufficient exercises may resort to liposuction. After liposuction, the body can’t form fat cells again under previous fatty part of the skin; that is, liposuction permanently removes fat cells from the body. However how many the women pay attention to their weight, most women suffer from fat deposits from various part of the body such as abdomen or thighs. How much weight persons lose, they might not get rid of fat deposits under the skin. In such cases, suction of the fat cells becomes an effective procedure.
Masri is performing simple and easy procedure for health and plastic surgery. The deposits at the skin are excellent according to the requirement of the people. The meeting of the expectations is possible to have effective results to increase benefits.
Liposuction is applied in order to suck the fat cells with a device, correct and shape the body lines and provide persons with fit figure. With removal of fat deposits in such part of the body, a person looks more fit, aesthetic and thin. Although the method ensures weight loss, liposuction should not be considered as a weight loss surgery. It is performed for the purpose of shaping the body aesthetically. With liposuction, fat deposits anywhere in the body can be removed. Liposuction treatment can be targeted in such areas as abdomen, back, buttocks, thighs, the area under the chin, hips, upper arms, inner thighs and inner knees. Liposuction is likely done under a local anesthetic, sedation and a general anesthetic. Tumescent liposuction, which a special solution is pumped subcutaneously in the area that is to be suctioned, is a modern and safe technique. The fat cells are sucked from 2-3 mm incisions through small cannulas. The incisions are so small that none of them can be conspicuous in the area in the postoperative period. The patients are allowed to go home a few hours after the surgery and may return to their work or daily activities within a few days.
The operation is likely done under sedation or a general anesthesia. Which type of anesthesia technique is to be applied depends on the width of the area and the patients’ preference. Tumescent liposuction, which a special solution is pumped subcutaneously in the area that is to be suctioned, is a modern and safe technique all over the world. During the operation, a special solution is injected under the skin which the fat is to be sucked. Afterwards, it is necessary to wait for 20 minutes. In this way, the area is anesthetized. The fat deposits are sucked out through small cannulas. In liposuction treatment, fat deposits are sucked from 2-3 mm incisions through small cannulas. As the incisions are really small, they become unnoticeable in the postoperative period. After the operation the patient may go home and go to work or do their daily activities within two days.
Analgesics (painkillers) to relieve pain are recommended for postoperative pains. Water retention and slight bruising in the targeted area is common after surgery. After surgery, the patients are recommended to wear a corset in the area for a mounth. With liposuction, persons possibly have body lines looking more fit, shaped and aesthetic. Depending on the amount of fat removed, the patients may return home and go on their daily activities, or rest for a few days. They are allowed to go work a few days after the operation. They may feel pains in the targeted area only for the first few days and taking weak anelgesics will be enough. On the other hand, you should avoid excessive physical exercise for 2 weeks. The patients should wear elastic corset-style clothings for reshaping the body. Swelling in tissues reduces over time and last for 1-2 month. It takes time to gain the ideal shape. New body shape becomes noticeable nearly after three months.
This period relies on the targeted area and the skill of the surgeon. As globally accepted safe limit, maksimum 5 liter fat can be removed in a session. When greater amount of fat deposits need to be removed, they could sucked from different areas in additional sessions. The patient doesn’t have to wait long for sessions intervals.
Laser liposuction is a non-surgical method. If the patients don’t take care of diet, they may gain weight after liposuction treatment. If the patient put on weight, the amount of fat cells throughout the body may increase and the areas that the treatment has been applied respond to this increase and fat cells might increase again; nevertheless, it is impossible that the body would gain the same weight before the treatment has been performed. The body will gain weight proportional to other areas since the number of fat cells in the targeted areas permanently reduces. The increase of fat cells in the body stops after early childhood and the fat cells can’t reproduce after liposuction since these cells doesn’t have a feature to reproduce post-childhood period when fat deposits increases in the body, the sizes of the fat cells will grow as well. In conclusion, the result of the treatment becomes permanent.