High Intensity Interval Training For Fat Loss

High Intensity Interval Training For Fat Loss is more effective than long distance cardiovascular exercise. The days of jogging for 2 hours to see any type of fat loss results are over.
During the 80′s and 90′s, the low intensity workout was thought of as the king of fat loss. Boy, were they wrong. Now there is astonishing evidence that high intensity interval training burns more fat in a shorter period than long hours of low intensity training.
So put down the 5 pound dumbbells, step away from the aerobic classes and get start melting the fat off your body with an anaerobic high intensity interval workout.
High Intensity Interval Training For Fat Loss And A Busy Schedule
High intensity interval training for fat loss might be your only option if you have a busy schedule. Low intensity training takes hours to do and soaks up a lot of your day. However, high intensity interval training only takes 20 minutes of a full out effort to reap the rewards of burning fat throughout the rest of the day.
That’s right, when done properly intensity interval training for fat loss will only take 20 minutes to generate the EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) effect. Basically, EPOC is a state your body goes into when strenuous activity is generated. This process can take up to 38 hours after the interval training is over to completely restore your body to a resting state again. During those 38 hours after the workout, your metabolism is raised and you are burning more calories then if you were at a resting state.
Low intensity cardiovascular exercises does not provide this EPOC effect. You only burn calories during the time you exercise in the low intensity period. Once you stop exercising, the calories stop being burned. Unlike High intensity training where you will be burning calories well after the workout is over.
Advantage Of High Intensity Interval Training For Fat Los
A big plus to high intensity interval training for fat loss is you will not loss muscle mass. Because of the short time the best Testosterone it takes to complete your workout, you will not run the risk of burning any muscle as fuel.
This is very important for fat loss. Muscle, by itself, keeps your metabolism high. The more muscle mass you have, the more fat you will burn, considering your diet is good. Low intensity workouts on the other hand burns muscle tissue as fuel.
If you ever compared a sprinters body to a marathon runners body, you will notice a big difference. The marathon runner who exercises for hours has very little muscle mass and very little fat. They have to continue to run for hours each day to maintain there low level of body fat.
On the other hand, sprinters have a muscular built and low body fat. Their high intensity interval training for fat loss consists of very short burst of all out speed. Maintaining a lower body fat percentage for the sprinter is easier because the level of muscle mass is so high.
High Intensity Interval Training For Fat Loss Final Thought
When it comes right down to it, would you rather spend hours of your time doing cardio, when you can dedicate minutes of your time getting better results? For me, I rather spend 20 minutes giving 100 percent of my effort to gain the best possible chance to burn. Its no contest, the best kind of workout is high intensity interval training for fat loss.
Testosterone is a chemical that is delivered essentially in the balls for men and the ovaries and adrenal organs for ladies. This chemical is fundamental to the advancement of male development and manly qualities. For ladies, testosterone comes in a lot more modest sums. Testosterone creation increments around multiple times more during immaturity and early adulthood.