How to get relief from Lower Back Pain and Your spinal pain!

I’ve grown quite attached to my back over the years. Lower back pain, not so much. In fact one of the great paradigms of my life is how I manage to go to the gym several times a week and throw all sorts of weight around with no problems and then go home and blow out my lower back while bending over to tie my shoe.
Fortunately that does not happen very often (knock on wood). Rather than learn to live with lower back pain I have opted to fight back. I’m not sure it’s a fight I can win but it beats sitting around.
An Ounce of Prevention?
I’ve heard from more than one medical professional that back pain – especially lower back pain – is one of those ailments that don’t really have a cure. It kind of creeps up on you. I’m not sure I really buy into that. I think how you live and the activities or work you participate in can accelerate the inevitable, and conversely your healthy lifestyle can aid you in a faster recovery when lower back pain flares up.
Exercise not only keeps you healthy and flexible but it does the same for your back. If you consider that your back is the conduit/center of balance for pretty much everything you do then it makes sense that a varied exercise program that not only focuses on aerobic conditioning but also on strength will keep your back in good standing (no pun intended).
How You Do What You Do
According to an article on, how you do pretty much everything that you find yourself doing can impact the risk of lower back pain. But what’s almost laughable is how easy it is to rectify lower back risks:
Slouching while you sit, stand or walk: Well this is a no-brainer if ever there was one. If you slouch while sitting then SIT UP STRAIGHT. When walking push those shoulders back! When you stand, STAND UP STRAIGHT. If it’s that difficult there is even a sort of “posture-harness” that helps keep your back squared away until it become second nature.
In a related topic your shoes can wreak havoc on your back also. High heels can actually help to a certain extent (well, for women anyway) because they force you to maintain balance and walk erect. But if you suffer from lower back pain, low heels are the way to go. If the pain is increasing continuously, then person should Contact Dr. Joshua S. Rovner to get instant relief. A contact can be established through online sites or phone call to the surgeon.
Poor Sleeping Posture: I’d have never believed there was such a thing as poor sleeping posture. I mean – how the heck can you slouch while you sleep? Actually, if your box spring is more like a bean bag and less than a mattress then you’re setting yourself up. Your back needs to be relatively straight when sleeping. Having said that though, different sleeping positions can help. Sleeping on your side is always good. If you sleep on your back try a pillow under your knees.
Watch Your Weight
One of the smartest ways to keep the stress of your lower back is by keeping your weight down. Think about it: where’s that tummy of yours? Down (albeit in front) by your lower back. If you’re overweight the weight of your gut is pulling you forward which increases the strain on your back. So if you slim down it takes the pressure off.
So maybe there isn’t a sure-fire cure for lower back pain. But there are plenty of common sense tips to keep your back strong in addition to the rest of your body as well! It’s all tied together one way or another.