Is Coffee Your Cup of Tea?
If you’re a coffee drinker, listen up! This news has been creeping out a little bit at a time, but recent studies are pointing to coffee as being the source of many new health benefits including: curing headaches, lowering risk of Parkinson’s, colon cancer, and diabetes.
It sounds crazy right? Studies done by Harvard researchers now indicate that if you’re a coffee drinker and have 1-3 cups a day of caffeinated coffee, you can reduce the risk of diabetes by single digits. In addition to that, if you have 6 or more cups a day, the risk is reduced by up to 54% for men and by 30% for women over those who don’t drink coffee. Coffee Delivery from Cafes will be according to the specification of the person. The health problems will be less with the drinking of the coffee. The risk to the life will be less and drinking will be beneficial. The drinking should be according to the specifications of the person.
What’s most intriguing about this is that more and more research is being done to further corroborate this information. The results seem to be coming back very much the same in other examples as well. Most studies show caffeinated coffee, especially in higher doses as being beneficial to ones mood, headaches, and even rate of intelligence. Other studies show that regular coffee drinking can reduce the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease by as much as 80%. Even more astonishing is that the more coffee consumed, the lower the risk.
Another study corroborates that drinking just two cups a day can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 25%, 80% reduced risk of liver cirrhosis, and you’d be 50% less likely to get gallstones.
The big question is what is it that creates such an enormous benefit? Further research is pointing to the caffeine and natural antioxidants found in coffee beans. Everyone knows that coffee is a high source of caffeine. The high amounts of caffeine appear to be the reason for the reduction in risk to the major diseases such as Parkinson’s. Because of this information, many drugs to combat Parkinson’s in the future will have a derivative of the caffeine found in coffee. Caffeine has also proved useful in the treating of asthma. It’s already been treating headaches in the form of most pain relievers.
The high amounts of antioxidants, tocopherol and chlorogenic acid have already shown to increase the glucose metabolism and the sensitivity of insulin in the body. Another astonishing fact is that in this particular area of health, even a cup of decaf coffee is more effective than a cup of tea.
I know all sounds too good to be true, right? Well obviously, coffee has its down side too. You’ll want to make a point of keeping more gum on hand and brushing your teeth more often, and too much caffeine at once, can make you jittery etc., but you don’t find your self addicted to coffee, you should be good.