Is It Possible For Muscle To Turn Into Fat Or Fat Turn Into Muscle
A common myth that people may believe is that muscle can turn into fat, and at the same time, fat can turn into muscle. This is a myth that is age-old.
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However, despite what people believe regarding this, muscle cannot turn into fat, and fat cannot turn into muscle.
The fact of the matter is that fat and muscles consistof entirely different cell structure and matter. Furthermore, the difference is so substantial, there is no plausible way one can transform into the other. As far as your muscles are concerned, they are active tissues. The work to help the body. Contrarily, body fat simply does nothing except take up space in your body.
So, from where did this silly idea originate? That would be difficult to pinpoint. However, here is an observation that I have noticed.
When someone who is overweight lifts weights during strength and muscle training, their muscles will grow and expand, but for muscle definition to become manifest, they will have to lose fat. Cardio exercises mixed with muscle training is a great way to build muscle and lose fat at the same time. However, when this process takes place, his or her body will take on a leaner yet muscular build.
Often times, when others notice this body transformation, they assume that the body fat simply turned into muscle mass.
What if this person lost his or her drive and ceases working out regularly and maintaining a healthy diet? Eventually, their body fat content will increase. Of course, as the person gains fat and weight, the body fat will layer on top of the muscles, therefore, muscle definition is all but vanished. This will completely override the original intent of weight loss.
It is likely that the ones who thought the fat turned into muscles believe that the muscles transformed right back into body fat.
As I noted earlier, that is not possible. Muscle can be built to overshadow and over any body fat, just as fat and cover over any muscle definition. The two can work against each other if you do not take care of yourself.
As I stated above, the best way to build and maintain muscle definition and lose fat is by working out with weight training in correlation with a healthy cardiovascular exercise routine. If you maintain this type of routine, or one similar, you should be able to burn fat.