Laser Surgery: Is it the Best Option for Removing Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks can be quite unsightly. They are usually caused by a rabid increase in weight and are common in women during pregnancy. The weight gain is caused by the increased food intake needed to supply the needs of the growing fetus and post-natal by the food needed to supply the nutrients for the suckling infant.
Stretch marks can be found mostly on the legs, arms, abdomen and hips. For the woman who wants to put on skimpy beach wear having stretch marks can be quire harrowing and even prevent the affected person from enjoying a day out on the sand.
Removal options for stretch marks are therefore a very essential service to a good number of people, women being in the majority. There are a good number products one can get that can be used to reduce or remove stretch marks. Most of the products work by applying the active ingredient in cream or oil form directly to the skin in the affected areas. These products are not, however, always successful.
When you think of rhinoplasty – or a nose job, you may perceive it as somehow complicated. This perception is the same with laser surgery for removing stretch marks. You may be intimated by the procedure but if you educate yourself, you will realize that it is really safe.
A more effective technique has now become available. This procedure does not involve the use of skin creams. This technique involves the use of lasers to surgical remove stretch marks.
The unguents which are normally used affect just the top layer of the skin. Lasers on the other hand can penetrate deep into the skin the effect changes not just on the surface, but on successive live layers of the skin.
Prior to your choosing to have stretch marks removed by laser surgery, review the advantages and disadvantages of opting for this option in the information provided below.
Laser treatment works directly with the skin layers which produce the collagen that results in scar tissue. This ensures that the results will be that much more effective than with the use of topic creams.
Stretch marks that have been left for too long untreated can now be successfully removed. Non-laser products are ineffective.
On the other hand, surgery utilizing lasers is quite expensive. Before undergoing treatment, make sure that your pockets are quite deep.
The treatment will take up a lot of your time, though. You will need to spend a good bit of time enduring treatment, which will of necessity be done over a long period of time.
The treatment is quite slow as only minor changes can be achieved at a sitting.
What with the amount of time that you will spend undergoing treatment and the high cost of the procedure itself, the total cost of the surgery to remove stretch marks can be quite considerable. You will therefore need to be prepared to spend this length of time and expense if you wish to use this technique.