Lookup Cell Phone Number – What Does It Mean
It is now easy to find cell phone number through online directories. In earlier days, it was impossible to find cell phone numbers easily. One had to hire the services of a private investigator for seeking such information. Moreover, the cost involved in getting such information was very high. A private investigator charged around $200 for his services. The trend has changed now, and it is not difficult to obtain a number. The cost involved is also drastically less, as compared to the earlier method.
How to find someone’s name by phone number for free? A guide is available to find the correct name and address of the phone number owner. You can also get an idea of the cost involved in searching for the real name of the phone number owners. It is beneficial if you get it as free.
Since there are no traditional directories for cell phones, it becomes difficult to access information. Usually, for landline numbers, directories are available at very low rates. But a mobile number directory is not available at low rates. Moreover, it is not advisable to buy a directory, if you are looking up just one number. Besides, the directories are available online, and not in a physical form. The best thing to do is to pay a one-time fee to find cell phone number.
Cellular numbers are considered as private information. The cellular service provider holds the customer’s database and is not obligated to share their customers’ information. They are not allowed by the law to go public with the customers’ private information. Also, cellular numbers are not listed in white pages or yellow pages like landline numbers. But, the cellular service providers may sell the information through what is known as reverse cell phone directories. Typically, these directories will provide you with the cell phone number, name and address of the customer. Some directories also provide a list of the land based numbers. It is easy to find cell phone number through these paid services.
Some directories provide basic information for free. They are like search engines. All you have to do is enter the number in the search box and it will give you the basic information, like the city and state to which the number belongs, and whether the number is a landline number or a cellular number. However, if you are seeking some more information like the complete address and name of the owner, then you have to pay for this service. The charges are minimal and affordable. When you pay for the service, it also means that you are not going the illegal way.
The reverse directories that are used to find cell phone number are legal and the information obtained through them should not be misused, or used for marketing purpose.
If you are looking for an absolutely free service, then you have to work really hard to get the cellular number’s information. For instance, you can hunt for the information on social networking sites or search engines. You may get some relevant links through these sites. However, this method of looking up for information will not give guaranteed results. The information may be old and outdated. If you want to find cell phone number easily, then a reverse directory is the best option. It is quick, since the information is available online.