The Best Dog Breeds For Apartment Dwellers

Many people think that the only dogs suited for apartment living are small dogs. While most of the breeds that fit into that type of lifestyle are smaller dogs, there are several large breeds that are equally happy living on a farm or in an apartment. You have choices when it comes to the best dog breeds for apartment dwellers.
I will provide you my picks for small breed, large breed and very large breed dogs for the apartment dwellers. It is the temperament and physical requirements of the dog that suits them or not to that small-space living. Whether you live in a condo or an apartment, you want a dog that not only does not need a lot of exercise, but also one that does not bark a lot. The choices may surprise you!
The Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Dwellers
Small Size Dog:The Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is playful, yet extremely gentle. The Bichon is quite happy with humans and other dogs. If there is no fenced yard available for your use, a daily walk about the neighborhood and some indoor games will satisfy the Bichon’s need for exercise. Several small dog breeds are yappy, but not the Bichon. You will need to groom the dog daily to prevent the hair from matting. Be sure to be patient during training. They prefer an owner who is at home with them a great part of the day.
Physical Characteristics of the Bichon:
Height: 10 to 15 inches
Weight: 11 to 22 pounds
Lifespan: 13 to 15 years
The Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Dwellers
Large Size Dog: The Greyhound
Many people have a picture in their mind of the greyhound running in circles hour after hour. That is not accurate, and the greyhound makes an excellent dog for the apartment or condo dweller. A greyhound is happy to nap on a comfy sofa or bed all day long. They do require a daily walk or two for exercise, but other than that they are great dogs for apartment dwellers. They require very little grooming and are easy to maintain. They are gentle dogs and are very quiet. There are many retired racing greyhound dogs that need to be adopted into good homes.
Physical Characteristics of the Greyhound:
Height: 28 to 30 inches
Weight: 75 to 88 pounds
Lifespan: 10 to 13 years
The Best Dog Breeds for Apartment Dwellers
Very Large Size Dog: The Great Dane
You read that right, I did say the Great Dane is a good dog for apartment dwellers. Great Danes do not bark very much which is a good thing for your neighbors. If you provide daily outdoor exercise to burn off energy, the Great Dane will be mellow and calm once indoors. They are low maintenance, just a quick daily brushing will be sufficient.
Physical Characteristics of the Great Dane:
Height: 28 to 30 inches at the shoulder
Weight: 100 to 120 pounds for adults
Lifespan: 8 to 10 years
The best dog breeds for apartment dwellers offers you choices that you never thought you had. Always do your own research, check out breeders and be a responsible pet owner by taking good care of your dog and that includes spaying and neutering. Consider a rescue dog if possible.