Understanding Anxiety Chest Pain – What Are The Benefits!!
A lot of times, anxiety chest pain is often mistaken as being a symptom of a heart problem. So to help you better understand what anxiety chest pain is, this article will identify the symptoms and causes of this condition. The best CBD oil for anxiety is offering many benefits to the people. The identification of the symptoms is necessary to have the success in the treatment. The cbd oil application will offer the desired results to the individuals. The charges of the oil are under the budget of the people.
Anxiety chest pain is actually a common occurrence among people who have been battling anxiety disorders. It usually results to a twitching sensation right on the chest muscles and will cause numbness, pressure, as well as a burning sensation right on the chest region. This can get extended to the neck and to the shoulder as well. The chest pain anxiety could be recurring and other symptoms include irregular breathing, abdominal pressure, nausea, fainting, dizziness, hot flushes and chills.
Causes of Anxiety Chest Pain
The causes of anxiety chest pain is not really life threatening. They are either related to muscle pain or nerve pain and might lead to indigestion as well. Among the main causes are the following.
- Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
Also known as the GERD, the Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease could take place if there is too much acid on the stomach. When starting to move backward to the esophagus, it will cause a burning chest pain and will have a sense of fullness on the chest.
- Muscle Pain
Muscle pain is among the most common anxiety chest pain symptoms. It is a continuous physical tension and there is tightness on the muscles as well. If the muscles of the chest will be contracted involuntarily as a result of the anxiety disorder, then you could start feeling pain on your chest.
- Stress
If you are feeling so stressed, then you might feel a sense of pressure on the chest region and this is when anxiety chest pain will happen. This could affect the normal breathing of a person. The chest pain might be felt for only a few seconds and it could be long lasting at times.
- Pre-cordial Catch Syndrome
This will cause chest pain in most kids and adults, although Adults do not often get chest pain as a result of this condition. It is a very sharp pain that you will feel on the left side of the chest or right on the armpit. The duration of the pain might vary from a few seconds until up to a few minutes and then it will be gone. Deep breathing could aggravate the pain even further. The exact cause has not really been determined but it is said to be a sudden cramp in a muscle as a result of panic attack.
How to Get Rid of Anxiety Chest Pain?
The main purpose of anxiety chest pain is to minimize the chronic anxiety symptoms. Therefore, it will not involve using any kind of anti anxiety drugs in relieving the pain in the chest. Instead, antidepressants are being prescribed in order to relieve you of the pain in the chest. However, there are some people who get too addicted to this medication and would lead to harmful side effects.
This is the reason why physicians will ask help from various therapies along with other medicines in order to minimize the anxiety at the earliest stage. Cognitive behavioral therapy is also an effective treatment for anxiety and this treatment works by changing the thought patterns of the patient. Because of this, the patient began identifying the causes of the deep rooted fear and then learned to manage them. Another effective treatment is exercising. It is also a great way to treat anxiety chest pain. If anxiety exercises are done in a regular basis, the stress level will greatly be reduced and the anxiety attacks will somehow be prevented. Although the causes of anxiety chest pain are harmless, one must always consult a doctor in order to confirm the actual cause behind it.
Anxiety Chest Pain or Cardiac Chest Pain
As mentioned from the very beginning of this article, a lot of people would often thought of anxiety chest pain as being a heart attack or cardiac chest pain. So how can you tell the difference between the two? The best way to tell the difference between these two is to go see your doctor and get your heart checked. If your heart is in excellent condition, then there is a good chance that you are suffering from heart attack, especially if you have anxiety disorder. But the great news is that there are certain tests that can be done in order to rule out any serious heart problems. Also, there are certain differences between the symptoms of anxiety chest pain and cardiac chest pain and among these are the following:
Chest pain as a result of anxiety will tend to be sharper while the cardiac chest pain is often duller.
Anxiety chest pains will not often cause vomiting but this is not the case for cardiac chest pains, although there are others who suffer from cardiac chest pains that will not vomit.
Anxiety chest pains are more systematic and they generally peak up to ten minutes and after that, there will be a slow and steady decline. Cardiac chest pains could follow the same patter, but in lesser instances only.
Although the things mentioned above can somehow help you to know if you are suffering from anxiety chest pain or cardiac chest pain, it is still best to get your heart checked with your doctor and find out if you have any heart problems or not. If your doctor will say that you do not have any heart problems, then you could be suffering from anxiety attacks and the chest pains that you have felt are due to anxiety.
Always keep in mind that the best way to prevent your anxiety chest pain is to control them. And again, anxiety attacks is not at all similar to cardiac attacks and the more that you learn about the symptoms as well as the coping mechanisms available, the lesser that you will experience anxiety chest pains and panic attacks in the future.