What Is The Key To Beating Addiction
Do you think you might have a problem with drugs and alcohol? Do you know someone who is struggling with active addiction? Is your life being torn apart by drugs and alcohol either through your own use or by the use of someone you love? Do you feel lost and confused, like you have nowhere to turn? Have you tried everything you could think of to try to control or minimize your use? Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? If you have felt this way before or feel this way right now, then there is something you should know. You are not alone. You are not the only one who has ever gone through whatever it is you are going through. I want to let you know that there is hope. There is a solution to your problem. I know because I once felt all the things that I just described and I found a way out.
The key to beating addiction starts with an honest desire to stop and this great addiction news site will tell you how you can do it. Stopping addiction can only happen when the individual who is addicted really wants to quit. When I was finally ready to stop drinking and drugging, I just knew it was time. No one had to ask me to quit. I wanted to stop for me because I knew that there was more to life. I was done spinning my wheels and failing to move forward in life. I knew I was capable of much more than simply existing.
Once I made the decision to stop, and that I needed help. I began to take action. I made some phone calls to various treatment facilities to try to figure out what the best place to go would be. I seemed to be led in the right direction. It really wasn’t me thinking anymore. I felt guided somehow. I knew I had to be locked up somewhere for a while because I had already proven to myself that I was incapable of going more than a day without drinking. I wound up at a 28-day inpatient treatment facility.
At this particular facility, I was told that I would need to attend 12 step meetings. That I was to obtain a sponsor and that once finding this sponsor, that I might want to consider following some directions. At this point in my life, I was pretty well beaten up and completely out of ideas so I did the things that they asked me to do. This was difficult for me because I had always been self-reliant and thought that asking for help was a sign of weakness. None of that stuff mattered anymore because the simple truth was that I was dying inside and I didn’t want to suffer like that anymore. What I found was that there are people out there who had already been through what I was going through. They found a way out and they seemed to be quite happy. That’s what I wanted. I wanted to be happy too.
I got a sponsor, worked the 12 steps, had a spiritual awakening, and 8 years later, I can truly say that my life is more wonderful than anything I could have imagined. I also want to say that I did not take 8 years to get happy. It only took a few months. My experience tells me that life is a journey. And the happiness I have today is a direct result of my ability to give back something that was freely given to me. I have found many wonderful things over the course of these last 8 years and this is just the beginning. I have watched many people who had considered themselves as a hopeless case recover from alcoholism and addiction and you can too. All you have to do to get started is have an honest desire to stop, be willing to accept some help from others, and begin to take a little action towards where it is you want to go. If I can do then so can you and I have thousands of friends who can attest to that?