Window Cleaning For The Perfect Shine!

I have often marveled at how quickly and smoothly professional window washers move. They use their squeegee like a finely tuned instrument to make the windows they are cleaning turn out absolutely and flawlessly perfect. After I bought my first home, being a bit of a perfectionist myself, I did a bit of research and observation into some really great tricks that these professional window washers use. It really is quite a bit more simple to learn than it looks if you can believe that. Once I tried it for myself, I actually got a little bit of a thrill out of cleaning my own windows to a perfect sparkling clean shine and am a bit embarrassed to say that it has become a part of my cleaning ritual, if not a bit of an addiction of sorts.
The thing that I figured out is that investing in a really high quality squeegee makes all of the difference. Scrimping on quality in exchange for saving a few dollars is simply not worth it. Not by a long shot! The difference in the results can be huge! Invest in a professional quality squeegee. They have a blades made out of rubber which are very soft and have absolutely no imperfections in them. They are made from the highest quality rubber and materials and are not easily damaged, unlike the cheap ones which are made from a more rough and cheaper rubber and plastic material. They usually include replaceable blades that you can change just like on a windshield wiper as each one wears out. There are many sources to find professional quality squeegees by doing a search in your local yellow pages or on the internet. Do not settle for the dollar store brand.
I found out by trial and error that it is best to do the windows on a day that is on the cool and cloudy side, as heat and sun can make your windows streak. Very early morning is a good time to do your windows, as it is generally cooler in the mornings. Heat and humidity can sabotage your efforts as I have found out from my own experience.
While some may take it as a tedious job, it does help your house more attractive and cleaning windows after dusk is quite difficult as all the dust and dirt from the day gets accumulated and the temperature is quite hot so it becomes a headache to do so. You are left with no choice than to call window cleaning leeds to finish the task that you started.
What to wash it with? I use a bucket of chemical free water that I filter myself in my own water filter system and heat it up until it is of lukewarm temperature. Next I add about 2 tablespoons of ammonia. I use a soft, smooth sponge that has a scrubber on the other side of it. Note that you should never use a sponge that is course! Next, I wet the window with the sponge side and then use the other side with the scrubber on it in order to scrub the window. You can tell by the way it feels when it is completely clean. You can easily feel the bumps when it still needs more scrubbing. This is a very important step, yet very simple. If you scrub until every singel bump of dirt is gone then you will have done an excellent job. If not then you are going to have a window that does not come out perfect.
You will need to have several very clean cotton rags available. I always dry the freshly scrubbed window by hand. The trick that the professionals use for a perfect streak free window is that when you use the squeegee it must be placed to begin with on a completely dry spot on the window, so dry with the rags a straight area across the top about an inch or two from below the top, up to the top.
Take the squeegee and start at the very top of the window in that dry area. Now pull the squeegee down gently and every so smoothly, drying your blade each time you get to the bottom of the window. Repeat this until you have done the entire window, drying the squeegee each and every time, no fail.
To finish it off, take a fresh, dry and very clean cloth and wipe down each window side and across the bottom to clean and dry the edges as needed. Your windows will look perfect and beautiful!